Terms & Conditions

Personal Liability Waiver

In consideration of being permitted to utilize the facilities, services and programs of Journey Within, LLC (“Journey Within”) for any purpose including but not limited to, observation or use of facilities and equipment and participation in any program or receipt of any service affiliated with Journey Within, I, on behalf of myself and my family members, hereby:

Acknowledge that I have (a) read and understand this release and waiver of liability; (b) had the opportunity to review or seek information about Journey Within's facilities, equipment, programs and services, and to carefully consider such facilities, equipment, programs and services; (c) understand that Journey Within’s facilities include its parking lot(s) and grounds; (d) accept the facilities, equipment, programs and services as being safe and reasonably suited for the purposes intended and (e) voluntarily sign this release and waiver of liability.

Release Journey Within, its directors, officers, employees, agents and volunteers (collectively “Journey Within Releasees”) from all liability to me and my family members and dependents for for any loss or damage done to property or injury or death to our persons, whether caused by the negligence of Journey Within Releasees or any other person, and while I am in, upon, or about any Journey Within facilities or equipment therein or participating in any program or receiving any service affiliated with Journey Within.

Agree not to sue the Journey Within Releasees for any loss, liability, damage, injury or death described above and to indemnify and hold harmless the Journey Within Releasees and each of them from any loss, damage or cost they may incur due to my or my family members’ or dependents’ presence in, upon or about any Journey Within facilities or equipment therein or our participation in any program or service affiliated with the Journey Within whether caused by the negligence of the Journey Within Releasees or by any other person. I assume full responsibility for the risk of such loss, liability, damage, injury, or death.

Agree to waive any liability arising out of any infectious, pathogenic, toxic, or other harmful properties of any “organic pathogen”, which includes but may not be limited to bacteria, viruses or other pathogens whether or not a microorganism, regardless of whether such “organic pathogen” is the result of a local outbreak, epidemic, pandemic or unknown cause, as long as the Journey Within Releasees have implemented generally accepted public health guidelines.

I intend for this release and waiver of liability to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of South Carolina. If any portion hereof is held invalid, I agree that the balance shall continue in full force and effect.

Online Privacy Waiver

By using this website, you consent to the collection and use of personal and digital information by Journey Within and collaborating third parties. We deem that customers have provided inferred consent to send electronic promotional communications to them via email or text message when a customer provides their email address and/or mobile phone number.

Image Release Waiver

I hereby give my permission and consent, now and for all time, to Journey Within and collaborating third parties to make, reproduce, edit, broadcast or rebroadcast any video film, footage, sound track recordings and photo reproductions of me and/or my narrative account of my experience within said activities, for publication, display, sale or exhibition thereof in promotions, advertising, education and legitimate business uses without any compensation to, and/or claim, by me. I may, or may not be, identified in such reproductions; however, I shall not be stated by name to have endorsed any particular commercial products or commercial services.

Tardiness Agreement (No Admittance if Late)

Early is on time. Currently, we are unable to unlock the doors for late clients. Our classes are carefully curated to provide a healing & ethereal experience and are very sensitive to disruption. Further, we cannot provide refunds due to tardiness. We saved a spot for you. As a small business, our survival depends on this policy.

Cancellation Policy (Nonrefundable Within 36 Hours of Class Start)

Cancellations within 36 hours of class start time are nonrefundable. As a small business, our survival depends on this policy.

No Children In Studio During Class Time

No minors are allowed to be in the studio during class time. The only individuals allowed in the studio during class time are paying participants 15+ years old.